Prelude in Regensburg

We are both locals from Regensburg and our goal for these travels is it to compare our way of living in a World Heritage city to others. To achieve this we had to learn more about our origin, the city of Regensburg. We were invited by the team to have a tour of the ‘UNESCO Besucherzentrum Welterbe Regensburg’.

We had a great time there and had a very exciting tour by Gabi. We, as locals, learned a lot we didn’t know already. For example, the first capital of Bavaria was Regensburg. And the German saying ‘Das Geld zum Fenster rauswerfen’ (throwing money out of the window), originates in the ‘immerwährender Reichstag’ in the 18th century. The tours there are always free for visitors and definitely worth a take.

us and our tour guide Gabi
into the vistor center
the view of our favorite heritage site
optical illusion of the two signs of Regensburg and Stadt am Hof
Guestbook entry