The trip started with an already long flight from Aarhus, Denmark (where I am based at) to Bergen with layover in Gdansk. This first trip turned into an adventure, when due to flight dealys, I missed my connecting flight to Bergen.
As a result, I spent the first out of the 14-days-trip exploring the lounges of the airports in Aarhus and Gdansk.

08/10 07.10
After a long and tiring night in the bustling Polish city, I finally boarded a plane to Bergen the next morning.
Since the plane landed, it was already apparent that the landscapes and the nature looked absolutely stunning. Once I checked into my hotel and dropped off my luggage, I set out to explore Bergen’s city center.

The Scandinavian architecture in combination with the breathtaking natural scenery seemed captivating, and the vibrant atmosphere was infectious. Each street I wandered seemed to tell a story, echoing the secrets of the city.
After dinner*, I found myself exploring the hill and I headed towards the funicular where I ended up spending my entire evening walking/ hiking (the difference is blurry here). The ascent was invigorating, and the panoramic views of Bergen saved the day and paid me off the sleep deprivation and the tireness of the long waiting times at the airport.
In fact, and I felt more and more curious about the nature and its role to the history and the city personality of Bergen.

Location: Kafé Spesial 17.45